After a harrowing and solitary childbirth, Joana gives birth to a baby boy and subsequently grapples with severe postpartum depression that evolves into a postpartum psychosis. Social interaction becomes increasingly challenging, and Joana finds herself ensnared within her apartment, her protective cocoon. Despite her meticulous and loving care of her child, she perceives danger lurking in the smallest of details. This inner turmoil manifests as self-inflicted wounds on her own skin, akin to the scars left by a discarded cocoon. Fear emanates from every corner, be it the doors, windows, neighbors, or even her own inner demons. Joana believes it is her sole duty to shield her child from the world’s perils, even including the child’s own father, who is embroiled in a custody battle. When she discovers that a social worker is scheduled to visit her in the coming days, Joana is faced with the daunting challenge of overcoming her affliction, reorganizing her life, and convincing everyone that she is capable of caring for her child.