
  • Dir. Alexandre Maciel & Wallace Souza / DOC / 2023
  • 15 min / Language Portuguese/ English Subtitles
  • Cast : Andressa Araujo, Claryssa Reis, Juliana Angelo, Rafi Sousa, Rebeca Barboza, Davison César, Diego Nascimento, Julio Cesar Manhães

Synopsis: “Travessia” is a contemporary dance performance that revives the Black diaspora, from the horrors of the water-covered dungeon – the slave ship – drifting through to the present day. It has been 134 years of freedom, but Black people are still chained to many shackles in Brazil. The Black, poor, and favela-dwelling people are the concrete result of the Brazilian structural racism, fostered day after day for years of injustice and non-reparations.